(Database and High-Availability options)

Carsten Strotmann and the ISC KEA Team

Created: 2020-10-28 Wed 11:54

Database backend support for Kea

Why a database backend?

  • The Kea DHCP server can store in a database:
    • Lease information
    • Host addresses and prefixes
    • Host options
    • Host names
    • Host classification
    • Configuration (MySQL only)

Benefits of using a database backend

  • Faster turn-around for configuration changes in large deployments (many DHCP servers)
  • Easy access to DHCP information from scripts
  • Option to build a custom management interface for the DHCP service
  • High-Availability through database redundancy
  • Easier to integrate into existing backup systems

Drawbacks of using a database backend

  • when issuing a lease, Kea DHCP must wait for the storage backend to acknowledge the successful storage of lease information
    • depending on the database setup and implementation, this is often slower then the Kea in-memory (lease-file) storage
  • Some databases cannot store lease information that reaches beyond the year 2038


  • powerful, open source object-relational database system
    • flexible and extensible
    • performance is in par with commercial database offerings on Linux/Unix
    • PostgreSQL License (permissive open source license)
  • PostgreSQL:


  • MySQL is the most popular (network based) open source SQL database system
    • MariaDB is a compatible fork of MySQL by the original MySQL development team
    • MySQL/MariaDB is available in most Linux/Unix systems
    • MySQL and MariaDB are GPLv2 licensed
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL


  • Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database for large amounts of data
    • it provides linear scalability and fault-tolerance on commodity hardware
    • Support for the Cassandra Database in Kea is experimental
    • Cassandra is available under the Apache License 2.0
  • Cassandra Database:

Database setup

Preparing the database

  • steps required before Kea can connect to a database system:
    • create the database
    • create a user for Kea in the database system
    • set the access permissions on the Kea database

PostgreSQL (1/2)

  • Most PostgreSQL installations come with a dedicated operating system user account for the PostgreSQL database (in our examples, the user postgres).
    • all database configuration steps should be done as this database user

PostgreSQL (2/2)

  • Creating the database for storing Kea lease information and giving the user kea access permissions on this database
(kea-server)# su - postgres
(kea-server)$ psql -U postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (12.4)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# CREATE USER kea WITH PASSWORD 'secure-password';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE kea_lease_db;
postgres=# \q

Preparing a MariaDB/MySQL database (1/2)

  • To prepare the MySQL/MariaDB database for Kea, first the database are created (in this example, one database for leases)
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8
Server version: 10.4.14-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE kea_lease_db;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.000 sec)

Preparing a MariaDB/MySQL database (2/2)

  • In the next step, the database user kea is created and given access to the lease-database:
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'kea'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secure-password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.006 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON kea_lease_db.* TO 'kea'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.005 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> quit

MySQL performance tuning

  • If MySQL is used with the InnoDB database backend (the default), changing the MySQL internal value innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit from default value 1 to 2 can result with huge gain in Kea performance
    • It can be set per session for testing:

      mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2;
      mysql> SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_flush_log%';
    • or permanently in /etc/mysql/my.cnf


Changing this value can create problems during data recovery after a database crash - please check the MySQL documentation

Maintaining the Kea-Database with kea-admin

Initializing the Kea database (1/2)

  • The command db-init of the kea-admin tool is used to initialize the database
    • while it is possible to initialize the SQL databases with the SQL-scripts provided with Kea, it is recommended to use the kea-admin tool, as it provides extra security checks in the process
  • Example: initializing a PostgreSQL database for lease database

    # kea-admin db-init pgsql -u kea -h -p secure-password -n kea_lease_db
    Checking if there is a database initialized already. Please ignore errors.
    Initializing database using script /opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:142: NOTICE:  function lease4dumpheader() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:150: NOTICE:  function lease4dumpdata() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:180: NOTICE:  function lease6dumpheader() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:188: NOTICE:  function lease6dumpdata() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:892: WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
    Database version reported after initialization: 6.1

Initializing the Kea database (2/2)

  • Example: initializing a MySQL/MariaDB database for leases
# kea-admin db-init mysql -u kea -p secure-password -n kea_lease_db
Checking if there is a database initialized already. Please ignore errors.
Verifying create permissions for kea
MySQL Version is: 10.4.14-MariaDB
Initializing database using script /opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/mysql/dhcpdb_create.mysql
mysql returned status code 0
Database version reported after initialization: 9.3

Upgrade of database schema (1/3)

  • Sometimes a new Kea version may require a new database schema
    • The existing database will need to be upgraded
    • After upgrade, it may be impossible to subsequently downgrade to an earlier version
    • Before upgrading, please make sure that the database is backed up
    • The kea-admin db-upgrade command can be used to upgrade an existing database

Upgrade of database schema (2/3)

  • To check the current version of the database, use the following command (<db-product> can be mysql or pgsql):

    $ kea-admin db-version <db-product> -u <db-user> -p <db-password> -n <db-name>
  • If the version does not match the minimum required for the new version of Kea (as described in the release notes), the database needs to be upgraded.
  • see also Databases and Database Version Numbers

Upgrade of database schema (3/3)

  • The kea-admin command is used to upgrade the database schema of the database (<db-product> can be mysql or pgsql):

    $ kea-admin db-upgrade <db-product> -u database-user -p database-password -n database-name

Kea Database Configuration

Configuration Example: Lease Database in PostgreSQL

  • Example of a lease database configuration in Kea (file kea-dhcp4.conf or kea-dhcp6.conf)

    • for MySQL/MariaDB, just change the type to mysql
     "lease-database": {
         "type": "postgresql",
         "name": "kea_lease_db",
         "user": "kea",
         "password": "secure-password",
         "host": "localhost"

Test the configuration

# kea-dhcp4 -t /opt/kea/etc/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf

2020-10-22 11:43:23.772 INFO  [kea-dhcp4.hosts/61595.139911418369920] 
           HOSTS_BACKENDS_REGISTERED the following host backend types are available: mysql
2020-10-22 11:43:23.773 INFO  [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/61595.139911418369920] 
           DHCPSRV_CFGMGR_SOCKET_TYPE_DEFAULT "dhcp-socket-type" not specified , using default socket type raw
2020-10-22 11:43:23.774 INFO  [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/61595.139911418369920] 
           DHCPSRV_CFGMGR_NEW_SUBNET4 a new subnet has been added to configuration: with params: t1=900, t2=1800, valid-lifetime=3600

Host/Reservation in a SQL Database

Host/Reservation in a SQL Database - Why?

  • Larger deployments might want to change the DHCP reservations dynamically and programatically via the API
    • The Host Commands hook (part of the Premium hooks package) adds a number of new commands to Kea used to query and manipulate host reservations
    • see Webinar 3 of this series for a discussion of the Host-Commands API
  • the Host Commands hook requires a database for storing the host reservations
  • If reservations are specified in both file and database, file reservations take precedence over the ones in the database

Creating a PostgreSQL database to store host reservations

  • Creating the database for storing Kea host information (reservations) and giving the user kea access permissions on this database
(kea-server)# su - postgres
(kea-server)$ psql -U postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (12.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=#  CREATE DATABASE kea_host_db;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE kea_host_db TO kea;
postgres=# \q

Initializing the Host reservation database

  • The command db-init of the kea-admin tool is used to initialized the database
    • while it is possible to initialize the SQL databases with the SQL-scripts provided with Kea, it is recommended to use the kea-admin tool, as it provides extra security checks in the process
  • Example: initializing a PostgreSQL database for use as a host reservation database

    # kea-admin db-init pgsql -u kea -h -p secure-password -n kea_host_db
    Checking if there is a database initialized already. Please ignore errors.
    Initializing database using script /opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:142: NOTICE:  function lease4dumpheader() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:150: NOTICE:  function lease4dumpdata() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:180: NOTICE:  function lease6dumpheader() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:188: NOTICE:  function lease6dumpdata() does not exist, skipping
    psql:/opt/kea/share/kea/scripts/pgsql/dhcpdb_create.pgsql:892: WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
    Database version reported after initialization: 6.1

Configuration Example: Host Database in PostgreSQL

  • Host database for PostgreSQL configuration in Kea (file kea-dhcp4.conf or kea-dhcp6.conf)

    • for MySQL/MariaDB, just change the type to mysql
     "hosts-database": {
         "type": "postgresql",
         "name": "kea_host_db",
         "user": "kea",
         "password": "secure-password",
         "host": "localhost"

Using Read-Only Databases with Host Reservations

  • the host reservation information might be stored in a database that contains other (sensible) inventory information for the network
  • in some cases, for policy and security reasons, the Kea DHCP server should not be able to write into this database
    • read-only access for retrieving reservations for clients and/or assigning specific addresses and options, can be configured explicitly in Kea with the read-only mode

      "Dhcp4": { 
        "hosts-database": { 
            "readonly": true, 

Kea Configuration Database Backend

Storing Kea configuration in a database

  • The Kea DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers support loading their configuration from an MySQL database
  • The configuration back end supports
    • subnet and shared-network configurations
    • global DHCPv4/DHCPv6 parameter
    • option definitions
    • global, network and pool options

Benefits of the Kea database configuration backend

  • The local Kea configuration on each server can be simple and static
    • Each DHCP server can share an almost identical preconfigured configuration
    • Enables offline configuration
    • Sharing configuration between HA cluster members -> keeping the config in sync
    • Helps with automatic configuration management

Kea configuration backend design (1/4)

  • Administrators apply changes to the configuration into the database via the Kea Configuration Backend Commands hook
    • it is also possible to directly access the configuration on the SQL database level
    • changing the configuration on the database level requires a good understanding of the configuration database schema
    • the Kea configuration command hook provides essential business logic that ensures logical integrity of the data

Kea configuration backend design (2/4)

  • Kea DHCP server will pull/poll the configuration from the database
    • the poll intervall is configured with the config-fetch-wait-time parameter
    • if a change is detected, the Kea DHCP server will fetch the delta to its current configuration and will reconfigure the service

Kea Configuration Backend Design (3/4)


Kea Configuration Backend Design (4/4)


Basic configuration for a Kea DHCP using the Config Backend

  • each DHCP server that uses the Kea configuration backend can run on a simple and static configuration
    • the server-tag is selecting the individual configuration for this DHCP server
    • config-fetch-wait-time parameter defines the poll intervall for new configuration (default 30) in seconds
"Dhcp6": {
   "server-tag": "office-1",
   "config-control": {
     "config-databases": [{
        "type": "mysql",
        "name": "kea_config_db",
        "user": "kea",
        "password": "secure-password",
        "host": "2001:db8:568::568"
    "config-fetch-wait-time": 120

Hooks required for the config backend

  • The hook is the implementation of the Configuration Backend for MySQL.
  • It must be always present when the server uses MySQL as the configuration repository.
    • this hook is part of the base open source Kea distribution
"hooks-libraries": [{
    "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/"
}, {
    "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/"

Hooks required for the config backend

  • The hook is optional.
  • It should be loaded when the Kea server instance is to be used for managing the configuration in the database
    • This hooks library is only available to ISC customers with a support contract
"hooks-libraries": [{
    "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/"
}, {
    "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/"

Objects in the configuration database

  • Kea can read the configuration of different DHCP objects from the database
    • global parameter
    • option definitions
    • options
    • shared subnet
    • subnet
    • pools

The role of server tags (1/2)

  • DHCP server select their configuration objects by the use of server-tags
    • each DHCP server has one tag
    • multiple servers can share a tag
    • a server without an explicit server-tag configuration uses the special all tag

The role of server tags (2/2)

  • Configuration objects in the database have tags assigned
    • objects can reference multiple server tags
    • objects can reference no server (empty tag "")
    • objects can reference the special tag "all" to reference all DHCP servers

Use of Server-Tags in the configuration backend (1/4)


Use of Server-Tags in the configuration backend (2/4)


Use of Server-Tags in the configuration backend (3/4)


Use of Server-Tags in the configuration backend (4/4)


Configuration Backend Resources

  • Kea Reference Manual: Kea Configuration Backend
  • Kea Configuration Backend Design
  • Video: Alan Clegg: Using the Kea Configuration Backend

Recovering from Database failures

Recovering from Database failures (1/3)

  • When operating Kea with a database backend, the database or the connection to the database might fail
    • During server start-up, the inability to connect to the database is considered fatal and the server will exit
  • During dynamic reconfiguration, the databases are disconnected and then reconnected using the new configuration
    • If connectivity to the database(s) cannot be established, the server will log a fatal error but remain up.
    • It will be able to process commands but will not serve clients
      • This allows the configuration to be fixed via a remote command, if required

Recovering from Database failures (2/3)

  • During normal operations, if connectivity to database is lost and automatic recovery is enabled …
    • … the server will disconnect from all databases
    • … and then attempt to reconnect them
  • During the recovery process, the server will cease serving clients, but continue to respond to commands
    • Once connectivity to all databases is restored, the server will return to normal operations
    • If connectivity cannot be restored after max-reconnect-tries, the server will issue a fatal error and exit

Recovering from Database failures (3/3)

  • The parameter reconnect-wait-time configures number of milliseconds the server will wait between attempts to reconnect to the database after connectivity has been lost
    • The default value for MySQL and PostgreSQL is 0, which disables automatic recovery and causes the server to exit immediately upon detecting the loss of connectivity to a database

High Availability

DHCP High-Availability

  • DHCP is a critical resource in most networks
    • If the DHCP service is down, machines and computers cannot join the network
  • DHCP administrators like to make the DHCP service redundant and high-available

Kea High-Availability options

  • Kea DHCP supports different high availability (HA) options
    • some require only configuration changes
    • other require the (free) HA hook
  • Kea does not support the standardized DHCPv6 fail-over protocol (RFC 8156 "DHCPv6 Failover Protocol")
    • it supports a HA implementation that aligns with the Kea software design and covers most use-cases

DHCPv6 Split Pool / Shared Pool

  • The DHCPv6 split pool or shared pool HA solution are independent from the DHCPv6 server implementation
  • these HA solutions do not require any synchronization between the DHCP server
  • these solutions make use of the vast address space available in one IPv6 /64 subnet
  • these solutions are not good solutions for DHCPv4, because the address space in IPv4 is too small

DHCPv6 Split Pool

  • Split-Pool: because one IPv6 /64 is so large, it usually can be split in two parts that are served by two independent DHCPv6 servers
    • the pools are not overlapping, it is impossible that the two DHCPv6 servers will return the same lease address to different clients
    • if one DHCPv6 server stops responding, the clients will receive a new lease from the remaining DHCPv6 server (after lease expiry)

DHCPv6 Split Pool


DHCPv6 Shared Pool

  • Shared-Pool: two DHCPv6 server are authoritative for the same addresses from a pool
    • because of the size of one IPv6 /64 subnet, the chance that both servers give out the same address to different clients is statistically very low
    • and if they did, IPv6 duplicate address detection (DAD) will cover this rare edge case
    • if one DHCPv6 server stops responding, the clients will receive a new lease from the remaining DHCPv6 server (after lease expiry)

DHCPv6 Shared Pool


IPv4/IPv6 pure static DHCP

  • The pure static solution also works with any DHCP server, in IPv4 and IPv6 networks
    • The idea is to not use dynamic allocation of addresses, but only static reservations
    • Two or more DHCP server are equipped with the same reserveration configuration
    • Each server will always return the same IP address lease to the same client
  • This solution requires an out-of-band synchronization of the reservation
    • This could be done on the database level with a shared host reservation database

IPv4/IPv6 pure static DHCP


IPv4/IPv6 shared database

  • The shared database solution moves the redundancy to the database level
    • this solutions allows high availability with more than two DHCP server nodes
    • two or more DHCP server are connected to the same (logical) database containing the lease information
    • the database itself should be made high available
    • all DHCP servers read and write lease information from/to the same database
  • database locking can lead to performance degradation(!) on high rate of leases/renewals

IPv4/IPv6 shared database


High Availability Hook

  • Using the Kea DHCP High-Availability extension (HA hook) is the most feature rich high availability solution
  • The HA hook offers different operation modes
    • load-balancing: all DHCP server are active and return leases
    • hot-standby: all DHCP server are in sync but only one is active and returns leases
    • passive-backup: one DHCP server is active and send lease database updates to a number of backup servers.

Kea HA Mode: load-balancing

  • When operating in load-balancing mode, two Kea DHCP server are active and respond to lease requests
    • The lease information is synced between the Kea DHCP HA servers
    • the pools are split 50/50 between the two DHCP servers
    • Every DHCP server can take over the full service if needed
    • Via the HA protocol a DHCP HA node will detect if one partner node is down and takes over the service
      • once the partner is online again, the lease database is synced

Kea HA Mode: load-balancing


Kea HA Mode: hot-standby

  • A Kea DHCP cluster configured for the hot-standby mode will have the primary node serving DHCP clients and another node (secondary) only receiving the lease-database updates, but not serving clients
    • If the secondary server detects the failure of the primary, it starts responding to all DHCP queries

Kea HA Mode: hot-standby


Kea HA Mode: Backup Servers

  • Kea DHCP supports any number of backup servers
    • Backup server receive lease database updates but are not an active part of an HA setup
    • Backup server can be deployed in addition to the other Kea HA modes

Kea HA Mode: Backup Server


Kea HA Mode: passive-backup

  • In the passive-backup configuration, only one Kea server is active and is serving leases to the clients
    • Any number of passive (not answering to clients) backup servers receive lease database backups
    • Since Kea 1.7.8, the active server does not need to wait for a lease update confirmation from the backup servers before giving the lease to a client
      • this reduces the latency compared to the other HA modes
  • In case of an failure of the active server, a backup server needs to be manually promoted to be active
    • this could be automated outside of Kea with API calls from a monitoring system

Kea HA Mode: passive-backup


Example Configuration: Kea DHCP Failover Cluster

Kea HA Configurations

  • The Kea HA configuration parts are symmetric, all HA peers can share an almost identical configuration file
    • the only difference in the HA configuration is the this-server-name parameter
  • The HA mode is selected with the mode parameter

Example Load-Balancing Configuration

"Dhcp4": {
    "hooks-libraries": [{
        "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/", "parameters": { }
    }, {
        "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/", "parameters": {
            "high-availability": [{
                "this-server-name": "server1",
                "mode": "load-balancing",
                "heartbeat-delay": 10000, "max-response-delay": 40000, "max-ack-delay": 5000,
                "max-unacked-clients": 5,
                "peers": [{
                    "name": "server1",
                    "url": "",
                    "role": "primary", "auto-failover": true
                }, {
                    "name": "server2",
                    "url": "",
                    "role": "secondary", "auto-failover": true
                }, {
                    "name": "server3",
                    "url": "",
                    "role": "backup",
                    "basic-auth-user": "foo", "basic-auth-password": "bar",
                    "auto-failover": false

Example Hot-Standby Configuration

"Dhcp4": {
    "hooks-libraries": [{
        "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/",  "parameters": { }
    }, {
        "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/", "parameters": {
            "high-availability": [{
                "this-server-name": "server1",
                "mode": "hot-standby",
                "heartbeat-delay": 10000, "max-response-delay": 40000,
                "max-ack-delay": 5000,    "max-unacked-clients": 5,
                "peers": [{
                    "name": "server1",
                    "url": "",
                    "role": "primary", "auto-failover": true
                }, {
                    "name": "server2",
                    "url": "",
                    "role": "standby", "auto-failover": true
                }, {
                    "name": "server3",
                    "url": "",
                    "basic-auth-user": "foo",  "basic-auth-password": "bar",
                    "role": "backup",  "auto-failover": false

Kea HA Maintenance

Sending control commands to the Kea HA Module

  • As many other parts of the Kea system, the HA module can be controlled over the network with the REST-API
    • it receives commands in JSON format via the Kea Control Agent (CA)
    • The following slides give examples of useful API commands
    • More commands and details can be found in the Kea Reference Manual

Database synchronization

  • the ha-sync command triggers the server to sync the lease database with the selected peer
{   "command": "ha-sync",
    "service": [ "dhcp4 "],
    "arguments": {
        "server-name": "server2",
        "max-period": 60

Retrieving the HA status

  • The command ha-heartbeat can be used to check the current state of a Kea DHCP server HA node

    { "service": [ "dhcp4" ], "command": "ha-heartbeat" }
  • The returned JSON structure describes the current DHCP server state

      "result": 0,
      "text": "HA peer status returned.",
            "state": "partner-down",
            "date-time": "Thu, 07 Nov 2019 08:49:37 GMT"

Fetching the HA configuration

  • With the status-get command, the administrator can request the current HA configuration from a Kea DHCP server node
    "result": 0,
    "text": "",
    "arguments": { "pid": 1234,
                   "uptime": 3024,
                   "reload": 1111,
                   "high-availability": [{
                     "ha-mode": "load-balancing",
                     "ha-servers": {
                        "local": {
                          "role": "primary",
                          "scopes": [ "server1" ],
                          "state": "load-balancing" },
                    "remote": {
                        "age": 10,
                        "in-touch": true,
                        "role": "secondary",
                        "last-scopes": [ "server2" ],
                        "analyzed-packets": 8 }
        "multi-threading-enabled": true,
        "thread-pool-size": 4,
        "packet-queue-size": 64

Controlling Maintenance Mode

  • Before removing a Kea DHCP server from a HA setup, the server should be set into maintenance mode
    • the commands ha-maintenance-start and ha-maintenance-cancel commands can be use to bring a server in or out of maintenance mode

Decision tree for production systems

"so many options, which should I implement?"

  • Kea offers many different high-availability options
    • for an user new to Kea or DHCP administration, this can be a hard choice
  • the next slides give some general recommendations and guidance on how to select an high-availability option for a Kea deployment

Load-balancing vs. hot-standby

  • As the name implies, in the load-balancing mode the load is distributed across both active DHCP servers
    • with complex client classing rules, this can be faster than a single active server
    • the load-balancing mode requires a 50/50 split of the pools across both HA server nodes
  • The hot-standby mode is simpler
    • only one active server, one active log file for trouble shooting
    • no split pools required

HA Module vs. shared database

  • A shared database setup offers redundancy for more than two active DHCP servers
  • In a shared database setup, two clients might be offered the same IP address
    • one will succeed, the other will get a DHCPNAK from the server and has to start the DHCP process again.
  • The HA module works with the memfile lease database, which offers better performance most of the time compared to an SQL database

HA Module vs. split/shared Pool

  • Split- or shared pools only work well with DHCPv6
    • these are good options for IPv6-only networks
    • Split- or shared pools are simple and easy to maintain
  • The HA module is more universal
    • it works for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 and across all supported lease file storage back ends (memfile, SQL-Database, Cassandra)

Next Webinars

  • 18th November - Kea DHCP - Monitoring, Logging, and Stork
  • 2nd December - Kea DHCP - Migrating to Kea from ISC DHCP


Questions and Answers